Answered Prayer: Ministering the Way Jesus Prayed We Would

Answered Prayer: Ministering the Way Jesus Prayed We Would
March 1, 2010 4:30 AM -0600
As the Last Supper and Jesus' earthly ministry came to a close, Jesus prayed for the twelve disciples around the table that night and every disciple who would follow in their steps, including you and I. Find out what Jesus prayed for us, how he wanted us to live, relate to one another and the world, and do to reach out to a world in need.

Thesis: Jesus' ultimate prayer for His disciples is that they would be distinctly joyful and holy while ministering to a lost world and unified in evangelistic effectiveness so that they may reach heaven on the Last Day and experience His indwelling until then.

Objective: Call believers to embrace a life of holiness and outreaching ministry as an integral part of their pursuit of Jesus.

  1. We must be in the world (but not of it) (13-19).
    1. We should have joy (13-14; Believers should have a certain knowledge that things will work out, we are on the winning side, and we will get to spend eternity in paradise one day, even if the world hates us today because of our witness to the word.).
    2. We should be holy (15-17; Believers should be distinct from the rest of the world because we are set apart from the profane and vulgar – the sin – to righteousness by the word of God.).
    3. We should be in the world (18-19; Believers should not be sequestered in some church or backwoods compound but actively ministering on the ground, in the world, just as Jesus did.).
  2. We must be united (20-23).
    1. We must be united through change (20-21; When new people and things come, believers must be united in Christ rather than anything else (e.g., music style, program, or paint color, etc.).
    2. We must be united in Jesus' glory (22-23a; Just as Jesus was, believers must be united in humility and service, being willing to sacrifice and even suffer to reach a lost world.).
    3. We must be united in love (23b; Believers must be unified in loving the world just as Jesus loved us.).
  3. We must be like Christ (24-26).
    1. We will see Jesus' full glory (24; Jesus wants more than anything for his disciples to be with him in glory, to see the full splendor of God's love and majesty.).
    2. We must know God increasingly (25-26a; Jesus was sent by the Father and is revealing His character – righteous – and relationship with us – Father. We must be in Jesus increasingly to know the Father increasingly.).
    3. We must be like Christ (26b; Believers must demonstrate daily the love and presence of Jesus.).


  • (15) “The word [evil one] can be neuter (from evil) or masculine (from the evil one, Satan) It should be noted that Christ does not teach withdrawal from the world but, rather, that Christians should be in the world but not of it.”
  • (17) “Sanctify means 'to set apart for God and His holy purposes'; so also verse 19. The means of sanctification is God's Word.”
  • (18) “A great text for the mission of the church.”
  • (21) “All believers belong to the one Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:13) and to the same household of God (Eph 2:19). This spiritual unity should be visibly expressed in the exercise of spiritual gifts (Eph 4:3-16), prayer, and exhortation (2 Cor 1:11; Heb 10:25).”
  • (24) Jesus “prays for our glorification, that is, being with Him in eternity.”
  • (25) “Like 'Holy Father' in verse 11, this form of address occurs only here in the NT and expresses God's distinction from us and His relation to us.”

Reflecting God

  • (14) The world = “The world that is hostile to God and God's people”
  • (14) To be “not of the world” is to “not have the mind-set of the world, i.e., hostility to God.”
  • (15) “The world is where Jesus' disciples are to do their work; Jesus does not wish them to be taken from it until that work is done.”
  • (15) “The evil one [is] especially active in the world, making God's protection indispensable.”
  • (17) sanctify is from the Greek hagiazo, meaning “set apart for sacred use” or “make holy”.
  • (17) “Sanctification and revelation (as recorded in God's word) go together.”
  • (18) “Jesus' mission is one of the dominant themes of this Gospel and is given as the pattern for his followers.”
  • (18) “We may long for heaven, but it is on earth that our work is done.”
  • (19) “I sanctify myself” “appears to be unparalleled. In the LXX the verb is used of consecrating priests (Ex 28:41) and sacrifices (Ex 28:38; Nu 18:9). Jesus solemnly “sets himself apart to do God's will,” which at this point meant his death.”
  • (19) “Jesus died on the cross not only to save us but also to consecrate us to God's service.”
  • (20) “Jesus had just spoken of the mission and the sanctification of his followers. He was confident that they would spread the gospel, and he prayed for those who would believe as a result. All future believers are included in this prayer.”
  • (21) “The unity of believers should have an effect on outsiders, to convince them of the mission of Christ. Jesus' prayer is a rebuke of the groundless and often bitter divisions among believers.”
  • (22) “Beleivers are to be characterized by humility and service, just as Christ was, and it is on them that God's glory rests.”
  • (22) “Again the Lord emphasizes the importance of unity among his followers, and again the standard is the unity of the Father and the Son.”
  • (23) “There are two indwellings: that of the Son in beleivers, and that of the Father in the Son. It is because the latter is a realit that the former can take place.”
  • (23) “Again the emphasis on unity has an evangelistic aim. This time it is connected not only with the mision of Jesus but also with God's love for people and for Christ.”
  • (24) “I want” = “I will that.” “Jesus said, 'I will' – his last will and testament for his followers. Where he himself was concerned, he prayed, 'not what I will, but what you will' (Mk 14:36) .”
  • (24) “The Christian's greatest blessing” is “to be with [Jesus]”
  • (24) “my glory” is “perhaps used here to refer to Jesus' eternal splendor. Or Jesus' prayer may have been that in the life to come they might fully appreciate the glory of his lowly service.”
  • (25) “Righteous Father” is unique in the NT to this passage.
  • (25) The disciples “did not know god directly and personally, but they knew God had sent Christ. To recognize God in Christ's mission is a great advance over anything the world can know.”
As the Last Supper and Jesus' earthly ministry came to a close, Jesus prayed for the twelve disciples around the table that night and every disciple who would follow in their steps, including you and I. Find out what Jesus prayed for us, how he wanted us to live, relate to one another and the world, and do to reach out to a world in need.
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4025 Lower Beaver Rd
Des Moines, IA
(515) 279-5212